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Your feedback can help us make our services better for you and other people.

When you provide feedback, we listen to what you have to say and respect your opinion. What you tell us is private, and you don’t have to tell us who you are. If you do tell us who you are, we will take the time to speak to you about your ideas. Your ideas will only be used to help make our services better.

What happens to my compliments?

We will tell the person or area that you are happy.

What happens to my suggestions?

We will find the right person to look into your comment or suggestion. If you tell us who you are, we will tell you what happens with your comment or suggestion.

What happens to my complaints?

We will pay attention to your complaint as soon as possible. If you tell us who you are, we will tell you what happens with your complaint. We will try to find a solution, and we will make changes to our services if needed. You can view our complaints and appeals process below to learn how we deal with complaints.

Complaints and Appeals flowchart

There are additional resources and organisations available if you need further assistance with your complaint.

Online Feedback Form

It’s ok to get help from a family member or friend to give us your feedback